Project Description

The Utah Transit Authority (UTA), in collaboration with Salt Lake City, is extending the S-Line from the end of line at Fairmont Station at 1040 East to the heart of the Sugar House business district at Highland Drive. This project is expected to be completed in 2026.

Project Details

  • S-Line extension from McClelland Street to Highland Drive (see Figure 1).
  • One new station at Highland Drive and Simpson Avenue.
  • New double track on the S-Line from 500 East to 700 East (see Figure 2).
  • S-Line will continue operating during construction.


Project Purpose and Benefits

  • Support economic development and serve the growing population of Sugar House.
  • Enhance reliable transportation to the Sugar House business district.
  • Provide an alternative to vehicle traffic.
  • Improved connection to Sugar House.

This project is anticipated to begin construction in the summer of 2025.


  • The Utah Transit Authority (UTA)
  • Salt Lake City Corporation
  • The Redevelopment Agency of Utah Transit Authority (RDA)
  • The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)

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